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Go Nuts for the Eagles Tour!

Sports partnerships tend to be a proven success when it comes to consumer engagement and the Peanut Chews candy brand was able to take advantage of this recently by partnering with the Philadelphia Eagles on an epic “Go Nuts for the Eagles Tour” which took a branded sampling van to the streets!

By including ACME grocery stores as a second tour partner, our sampling van made designated stops at ACMEs all across Philly and New Jersey for 8 days straight. Each stop at an ACME location brought with it Eagles talent in the form of Swoop the mascot, cheerleaders, alumni, drumline, and even Brandon Graham himself! Most importantly, ACME shoppers had the ability to enter a raffle each day to win a whopping 3 prizes per store: 2 sets of Club seat tickets to an Eagles home game or a piece of autographed merchandise.

Supplementing our ACME efforts, the Peanut Chews Van Tour team made guerrilla sampling stops all along the way, distributing samples of the Original Dark Peanut Chews candy bar to people shopping locally and letting them know how to enter the sweepstakes.

Peanut Chews supported the tour with loads of local marketing efforts including billboards, radio, and social updates from all involved parties. Participation was high and the raffle averaged over 100 entries per day while the sampling van acted as a great mobile billboard, earning thousands of impressions a day as it drove through the streets.