Hippie Hill – San Francisco, CA
The emerging legalized cannabis industry is facing the same marketing problems and opportunities that all brands must deal with in ever new category. Too many brands in search of establishing a loyal following and a well-defined positioning. West Coast Cure is no different but is looking to rely on its long history (they call it the prohibition years) to help gain traction as a brand you’ve trusted for years before legalization. And they’re not just blowing smoke here. Research shows that consumers think of them as the hardcore “OG” (original gangsters) of the category, whose brand vision is to simply bring you crazy fire weed.
Our goal is to continue to grow an impressive social media following by using the product news and the brands “lion mascot” to drive more and more consumers to their impressive product line. Events such as the April 20 (pronounced four-twenty) is slang for marijuana consumption and is the obvious day to drive brand awareness. Our Hippie Hill event in San Francisco drew thousands and thousands of potential customers who were eager to proudly wear the lion-t shirt in exchange for following the Brand Instagram.