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Stranahan’s Blue Peak Après Ski Program

GNF was tasked with the creation of a sweepstakes to highlight Stranahan’s newest single malt addition which is uniquely distilled at a high altitude. With the obvious relation to the 13,000 ft mountain in Aspen called Blue Peak, there was no better fit than to have Stranahan’s become the “Official American Whiskey of Aprés-Ski”.

By following the brand on Instagram and commenting on the promotional post with the hashtag #StranahansSkiWeekend, consumers got the chance to win an exclusive trip to Aspen which included airfare for 2, hotel accommodations for 3 nights, ski passes for 2 days, and $500 spending money. Consumers could also come across the in-store POS and enter online for their chance to win. Custom header cards, shelf talkers, and bottle neckers all directed consumers to enter over the course of the 2 month entry period. GNF designed and produced all creative materials, as well as handled the sweepstakes winner prize selection and fulfillment process.