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Sprint In-Store Program – Crack the Code

In an ongoing program, GNF has driven thousands of consumers to Sprint locations across the country. The motivator? A chance to win $10,000 in-store!

A locked glass vault containing a yellow, Sprint-logo’d cash bag was placed in each location. Brand ambassadors, decked-out in Sprint gear, passed flyers and encouraged consumers to take their chance at unlocking the vault. Additional guests were drawn to the store through social media ad campaigns organized by the GNF team.

Inside each store, attendees lined up to punch a six-digit code into the Sprint Vault’s keypad in attempt to open its door and win the cash prize. Meanwhile, Sprint employees were given the opportunity to engage with these new customers. In addition to creating local buzz in each community, these activations boosted brand awareness and pulled shoppers into Sprint’s stores.


Check out the promotional videos: