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Mionetto “Brunch Better Together”

It’s all about the ‘Insta’ for our Mionetto Prosecco consumers. So GNF created a Summer Brunch “Brunch Better Together” on-premise program for the brand that capitalized on the fact that brunch is the most highly Instagrammed food occasion. When consumers ordered their Mionetto specialty cocktail, the waitstaff brought a one-of-a-kind Mionetto “Drinkstagram Kit” to their table.

This Kit provided customers with fun and fashionable drink accessories to use when creating a signature Instagrammable cocktail photo. On-premise POS and social media outreach encouraged everyone to post their finished Mionetto masterpiece to #BrunchBetterContest for the chance to win their very own “Drinkstagram Kit”. There was a winner chosen each week, all summer long.