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Maestro Dobel Tequila Rocks Out at Bonnaroo Music Festival with the Piano Bar

GNF hit the open road this summer to join Maestro Dobel® Tequila at Bonnaroo, the out-of-this-world summer music festival in Manchester, Tennessee. Boasting 150 artists, 700 acres, and countless memories, Maestro Dobel set up its one-of-a-kind Piano Bar at what has become one of the largest annual music festivals.

Any of Bonnaroo’s 85,000 visitors could stop by The Piano Bar in the artist hospitality area during the four-day festival for some fun, sun, and – most importantly – tequila. Visitors had opportunities to get cool giveaways and sip on delicious cocktails featuring Maestro Dobel Tequila, all while being entertained with piano music by Adam Weiner of Low Cut Connie.

With Adam on the keys, entertaining the crowds and having fun with the artists, it’s no surprise that The Piano Bar was a huge success. In fact, we’re taking The Piano Bar setup around the country to other huge music festivals like Lollapalooza, Outside Lands, and Austin City Limits. So, if you’re planning on attending any of those festivals, make sure to keep an eye out for the tent; you won’t want to miss this!