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Maestro Dobel – Hollywood Birthday

At GNF we are always thinking about our brands – but not only when we are in the office; at the gym, in the shower, on weekends – literally all the time! Creative ideas and strategic positioning don’t follow a 9-5 schedule you know! It’s that kind of passion that got our client, Proximo Spirits, an opportunity to showcase their ultra-premium tequila, Maestro Dobel, at a star-studded Hollywood birthday party this past Saturday night. “We got a call early Friday morning about a potential opportunity to have a liquor brand featured at an exclusive celebrity birthday party. We knew immediately that Maestro Dobel would be a perfect fit. It was just a matter of moving quickly.”, said Marc Weilheimer, Director of Entertainment. The next day Maestro Dobel was being served to an exclusive list of Hollywood celebrities at a mansion in the Hollywood Hills.

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