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Happy April Fool’s from Peeps

It’s no surprise that Easter is THE holiday for PEEPS®, and the brand couldn’t resist having a little fun with Easter and April Fool’s Day coinciding this year. With the help of GNF, they made an important announcement: their iconic Pink PEEPS Bunny would FINALLY get a day off to celebrate Easter! The one and only Energizer Bunny would be the new Celebrity Creative Director for the 2018 Easter Season! (Until it was revealed this was all just a jovial April Fool’s joke!)

To get in the spirit, our GNF brand ambassador teams morphed into bunnies with hot pink PEEPS® / Energizer®, branded sweatshirts and matching bunny ears. Through the hustle and bustle of NYC, pockets of bunny ambassadors were spotted in Columbus Circle and Grand Central Station distributing the delicious Easter staple must-have: PEEPS Marshmallow Bunnies, along with a themed card announcing how the brands were shaking up Easter this year. Messaging drove consumers to the brands’ social media pages to learn more. Now that the jig is up, “APRIL FOOL’S!”